What is Break into Song?
Break into Song is Hilary Seraph Donaldson’s ministry of teaching and leading congregational and community music-making. Singing together is a powerful way to unite our communities and deepen our faith. In faith communities and seminaries across North America, Break into Song has nurtured congregational singing and equipped leaders to confidently teach songs and integrate them creatively in worship.
How-to Videos
These free videos introduce new congregational songs, teach practical skills for worship leaders, and capture unique worship experiences.
Hilary’s approach
Hilary’s approach to music ministry and enlivening song in the community is based around relationship, empowerment, learning, and solidarity.
Research and publications
Hilary’s academic research and publications explore the role of community music-making in arts, faith, and culture of the past and present.

About Hilary
Hilary Seraph Donaldson is a musician, worship leader, and writer based in Toronto. She has led adult, youth, and children's choirs in both Toronto and Dallas, and has a passion for church leadership, congregational song, and the drama of worship.
“Hilary knows how to help ‘real’ people find their song.
She brings a spirit of openness to the joyful duty of what I call the Eleventh Commandment: ‘Sing to the Lord a new song!‘”